Less Stress. More Pleasure.

Ahhh…Valentine’s Day. A time for romance, love, and..anxiety? Navigating the world of love isn’t always smooth sailing. Sometimes going on dates, building a relationship, and opening up intimately can cause feelings of stress. It can be easy to let the pressure of finding a happily-ever-after get in the way of enjoying the moment. Luckily for us romantics, broad-spectrum CBD is here to help us relax, connect, and feel good. So slip into something more comfortable, it’s time to give your love life a little boost from Mother Nature.

Throughout history, the hunt for the ultimate aphrodisiac has obsessed the minds and hearts of humans around the world. Ancient Greeks believed consuming fruits and veggies that resembled genitalia would increase libido. For centuries, sea cucumbers have been a popular delicacy in China, touted for being a natural alternative to Viagra. Garlic, chocolate, and oysters have been heralded as foods that help get you in the mood. But let’s face it. As much as we all may wish for the perfect guidebook, there is no one-size-fits-all shortcut to amazing sex. The real “secret” to a great sexual experience is personal and individual to everyone. We all have different standards for what makes us feel good, safe, and well…satisfied. But when it comes to getting on the love train, there is one thing you can do to feel more present, connected, and intimate: Cannabidiol, or CBD. This natural plant compound can help ease the stress that can come up when it comes to intimacy. Yes, maybe even performance anxiety.
Many of us put a lot of pressure on ourselves during romantic situations. Whether it’s a first date or you’re trying to spice up an old bedroom routine - thoughts of work, to-do lists, or friend drama aren’t what you want to be thinking about when you’re trying to get your groove on. CBD offers a non-intoxicating way to feel more relaxed.
Can CBD improve your orgasm too? The answer is maybe. There’s not enough evidence to claim that CBD directly impacts orgasms across the board. But CBD does increase blood flow, heighten your sense of touch, and may help ease underlying causes of performance anxiety - like stress and tension that are getting in the way.
Chocolate and wine…hot tubs and strawberries…candlelight and pasta - these are all pairings we can get behind. But stress and romance are not an ideal duo. When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, the body releases the hormone cortisol. Known as the “stress hormone,” cortisol is designed to help you run away or fight to survive. It’s a life-saving physiological reaction that kicks in when you are being threatened or are in danger. This is also known as fight or flight. During fight or flight, the body temporarily gives less attention to other bodily functions like digestion and immune system response.
Unfortunately, fight or flight can be activated…even when there isn’t a bear threatening your life. The stress of work, family, or existential anxiety from the news, can raise your cortisol levels. What does this have to do with romance? High cortisol levels can also lower your sex drive. Turns out when your body is so worried about fighting off a metaphorical bear, it’s not so interested in making love.
So how exactly is CBD able to help relieve stress? It all goes back to your Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Your ECS regulates things like emotional processing and physical sensation. So it makes sense that studies show that the ECS is related to sexual arousal. It does this through a signaling system between endocannabinoid neurotransmitters and endocannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) located throughout your body and brain. It’s by interacting with this complex system, that CBD is able to impact your body. CBD is also able to influence serotonin receptors - altering your serotonin levels which can help ease feelings of stress or anxiety.
Speaking of being in a good mood. Have you ever heard of anandamide? This special little molecule is famous for increasing feelings of bliss and love. CBD increases the amount of anandamide in your body by slowing down how quickly it’s broken down by enzymes. This is why taking CBD consistently over time, can improve your overall mood and ability to manage stress. ECO Therapy CBD products are designed to help you get the recommended 30mg a day, with mints and vape pens geared toward supporting you throughout the day.

Strike A Spark This Valentine’s Day
This V-Day, explore how CBD can help lead you to better wellness both inside and out of the bedroom. Maybe you’ve got some first date jitters, or maybe you’re looking for a new way to spice up your sex life. So, light your candles and enjoy your favorite ECO Therapy CBD blend. And maybe try one (or all) of these ways to deepen connection…and pleasure.
If you’ve been with your partner for a while, it can get easy to fall into a predictable routine in the bedroom. Don’t get me wrong, don’t fix what ain’t broken. But if you are feeling inspired to mix things up, we suggest finding a way to mix things up…together. Make time for some partner study sessions, if you get my gist. Read the same book or blog, watch a few ‘tutorials,’ or do a little late-night experimenting. By exploring together, you open the door to learning more about each other and deepening your sensual connection.
This may seem counter-intuitive, but sometimes it’s fun to take it slow. Taking the time to ease into the moment with your partner is a wonderful way to release the jitters and stress. It can be as simple as holding hands and looking each other in the eyes. Build up the anticipation with some good ole’ PG-rated fun.
Communicate your sexual fantasies. Because…why not? You only live once, you may as well let that imagination soar. Sharing a fantasy with a partner can feel vulnerable. But that’s kind of the point. Opening up about sexual desires and fantasies can bring you closer together. Creating a safe and pleasurable fantasy experience for your partner can be a special way to express your love.
Valentine’s Day isn’t reserved for date nights. It’s also a day to treat yourself to a little self-love. Whatever that means to you. We’re not judging. A solo Valentine’s day is a great opportunity to splurge on your favorite foods, drinks, books, movies, and…toys. This holiday dedicated to love is a perfect excuse to journal, meditate, or take a long bubble bath to de-stress and reconnect with you and reflect on what makes you happy.
So what are you waiting for? It’s time to grab your favorite ECO Therapy CBD and get frisky.
Please note, that if you are living with an anxiety disorder, consult with a medical professional.