CBD and the Happy Gene

Countries in the world that rate themselves the “happiest” share a widespread gene mutation: they have an A-allele that prevents ananadamine from being broken down in the body. Anandamide is a neurotransmitter that originates from the sanskrit word for bliss: “ananda” (for which our parent company, Ananda Brands, is named!).
These happy populations - like Nigeria and Mexico - enjoy higher levels of anandamide for longer periods of time in their body. Conversely, the countries less likely to call themselves happy - like China and Iraq - do not have this genetic mutation. Their low levels of A-allele means their levels of anandamide are dissipating more quickly.
Have No Fear
What if you don’t have this happy gene mutation? Have no fear - CBD is here! Researchers at the University of California Irvine and University of Cologne discovered one of the benefits of CBD is much like the happy countries’ gene mutation: it prevents degradation of anandamide and can “enhance intrinsic anandamide signaling.” In fact, “cannabidiol treatment was accompanied by a significant increase in serum anandamide levels.”
In addition to increased happiness, anandamide has been shown to curtail fear. In a study at the University of Calgary, both humans and mice with increased anandamide experienced a greater ability to process fear-based memories. Interestingly, neurologically for both species, there was greater connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala, respectively the areas that control cognitive planning and recalling emotions, particularly fear. The takeaway is that a greater connection between these two areas of the brain allows us to decrease anxiety and improve emotional stability.
Benefits of CBD Boosting Anandamide
Our bodies create anandamide in our endocannabinoid system to maintain homeostasis, which brings our entire being back to a balanced state of ideal cellular functioning, especially in the face of stress or fear. Specifically, anandamide assists in neurogenesis, which forms new nerve cells that contribute to antidepressant effects. How amazing that one of the benefits of CBD is to boost anandamide levels in our endocannabinoid system! Anandamide binds to our CB1 and CB2 receptors to reduce inflammation, as well as impact many physiological factors, including mood, pain, appetite - and even fertility!
In fact, endocannabinoid and reproduction researchers from the University of Leicester discovered that high levels of anandamide are critical for ovulation. These levels also impact the development of the baby, with the scientists concluding that higher levels of anandamide are factors in a healthy pregnancy.
So sit back, Relax CBD, be happy, and make babies. After all, one of the benefits of CBD is you might even be more fertile too.